Sean Macfoy Signature Deck Overview
The Sean Macfoy (skippy) Signature Horizon Deck is now available at (ESTIMATED ARRIVAL NOV 1ST -31ST)
A message from North
Sean Macfoy Also known as Skippy has been on North since early days. His style is unmistakable both on and off his scooter, always leaving us excited to see what’s next to come. This is Skippy’s first signature deck, and we couldn’t be happier to be the ones putting it out.

About Sean MacFoy

My name is Sean Macfoy I’m 21 and I live in Seattle Washington. The graphic for my deck speaks about where I’m from with a few thing I enjoy as well. At the top you Got me filming on my hmc with a nice peanut butter jar helping me out, with the space needle below with some clouds surrounding it because it’s always cloudy where I live . You also got two angels supporting it with the waves flowing into D.C which is where I grew up and got most of my inspiration for my spot selection and style. Big thanks to Andrew Salfi for drawing out and designing my graphic!