Jordan Tutt Signature Deck Overview
The Jordan Tutt Signature Horizon Deck is now available at (ESTIMATED ARRIVAL NOV 1ST - 31ST)
A message from North
Tutty was one of the first people we sponsored in the US and has remained a key part of our team ever since. This is Tutty’s first signature deck, and we are stoked to be the ones making it happen.

A Message From Jordan
Hola everyone I’m Jordan Tutt , born and raised in East Orange New Jersey
I’ve been riding scooters for about 10 years now and I’m hyped to be dropping my first signature deck!
The graphic on top is actually the New Jersey toll logo that caught my eye a few years back and I’ve been in love with it ever since. The bottom logo was created by no other than Ethan Howell, it started as a concept from the Don’t Be a Menace movie that came out the same year I was born, we just added a little twist to it, plus I always wanted to see myself in cartoon form. We also added magenta deck ends to top it off, I was always a fan of colored deck ends that catch the eye when you’re cruising along it just looks great in my opinion .
Shoutout North for giving me the outstanding opportunity to have a signature deck without them this whole thing wouldn’t have been possible.
I’m beyond stoked to see how you guys add your flavor to it hope you all enjoy my signature deck much love! and God bless!

Watch Jordan's signature deck video "Spin The Block" via the link below!